Seminar: DIGITAL AGENDA FOR EUROPE, Ljubljana, 10.-12.9.2012

Vafer  in cooperation with the Laboratory for Telecommunications at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering (LTFE) is organizing a three-day international seminar on the Digital Agenda for Europe.

The focus of the Digital Agenda for Europe seminar is the four key aspects of achieving the ambitious goals of the Digital Agenda, namely the strategic, legislative, regulatory and technological aspect.

The Digital Agenda presented by the European Commission forms one of the seven pillars of the Europe 2020 Strategy which sets objectives for the growth of the European Union by 2020. Digital Agenda for Europe proposes to better exploit the potential of Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) in order to foster innovation, economic growth and progress.

At the seminar experts with extensive academic and practical experience from relevant fields will present the newest trends and good practices in designing a successful strategy for achieving the Digital Agenda for Europe goals.

The seminar is intended for national regulators of electronic communications (NRAs), ministry officials responsible for preparing strategies for the development of electronic communications and information society, as well as for telecommunication experts.

The seminar will be held at the premises of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering in Ljubljana, Slovenia. Contact Vafer for additional information.

By |2016-11-18T09:34:12+00:00July 31st, 2012|Latest News|Comments Off on Seminar: DIGITAL AGENDA FOR EUROPE, Ljubljana, 10.-12.9.2012